
L-Max Technology (Shenzhen) Limited

L-L-Max Technology (Shenzhen) Limited, specialized in international trading since 2001. Over the past 19 years, we have built strong relationships with various PCB/PCBA manufacturing services, and a wide network of electronic components suppliers and distributers. Our results are based on years of experience with various projects, successful cooperation with our providers and on the continuous satisfaction of our clients.

L-Max specializes in integration and Door-to-Door service. This means that following a client′s RFQ, we will do all relevant market research, we will approach manufacturers and secondary suppliers, we will complete necessary due diligence and quality control and finally we will send the client the price quotation. Our involvement does not end there. We further accompany the process by supervising the production process, managing all shipping and logistical needs and being available for post-sale follow-up.

L-Max, located in Shenzhen, deals with a wide range of manufacturers and suppliers in China, Taiwan, and South Korea. L-Max is expert at finding the ideal matching between manufacturers and clients and at providing our clients with the most cost-effective solutions for their needs, at high quality and attractive prices. With vast experience, L-Max is perfectly poised to be the partner of choice for your upcoming electronic needs in China